Kerajaan Yugoslavia
Боже правде
Боже правде, ти што спасе
од пропасти досад нас,
чуј и одсад наше гласе
и од сад нам буди спас.
Моћном руком води, брани
будућности српске брод,
Боже спаси, Боже храни,
српске земље, српски род!
Сложи српску браћу драгуна свак дичан славан рад,
слога биће пораз врагу
а најјачи српству град.
Нек на српској блиста грани
братске слоге златан плод,
Боже спаси, Боже храни
српске земље, српски род!
Нек на српско ведро чело
твог не падне гнева гром
Благослови Србу село
поље, њиву, град и дом!
English Translation:
God of Justice; Thou who saved us
when in deepest bondage cast,
Hear Thy Serbian children's voices,
Be our help as in the past.
With Thy mighty hand sustain us,
Still our rugged pathway trace;
God, our hope; protect and cherish
Serbian lands and Serbian race!
Bind in closest links our kindred
Teach the love that will not fail,
May the loathed fiend of discord
Never in our ranks prevail.
Let the golden fruits of union
Our young tree of freedom grace;
God, our Master! guide and prosper
Serbian lands and Serbian race!
Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance,
Thunder of Thy dreaded ire;
Bless each Serbian town and hamlet,
Mountain, meadow, heart and spire.
When our host goes forth to battle
Death or victory to embrace-
God of armies! be our leader
Strengthen then the Serbian race!
On our sepulchre of ages
Breaks the resurrection morn,
From the slough of direst slavery
Serbia anew is born.
Through five hundred years of durance
We have knelt before Thy face,
All our kin, O God! deliver,
Thus entreats the Serbian race!
- Όμορφη πατρίδα μας,
- Ω αγαπημένη, ηρωική γη,
- πατρίδα αρχαίας δόξας,
- μακάρι πάντα να είσαι ευτυχισμένη!
- Αγαπημένη, τόσο όσο ένδοξη είσαι,
- Μόνο εσύ είσαι αγαπημένη μας,
- Αγαπημένη, όπου υπάρχουν πεδιάδες,
- Αγαπημένη, όπου υπάρχουν βουνά!
- Κύλα Σάβο, κύλα Ντράβο,
- ούτε εσύ μη χάνεις τη δύναμη σου, Δούναβη,
- Βαθιά γαλάζια θάλασσα, πες στον κόσμο,
- ότι ένας Κροάτης αγαπάει το έθνος του!
- Όσο τα χωράφια του είναι θερμά στη λιακάδα,
- Όσο τις βελανιδιές του τις δέρνουν οι άνεμοι,
- Όσο οι νεκροί του είναι κρυμμένοι στους τάφους,
- Όσο χτυπά η καρδιά του!
- Our beautiful homeland,
- Oh dear heroic land,
- Our father's ancient glory,
- May you be blessed forever.
- Beloved, you are our sole glory,
- Beloved, you are our only one,
- Beloved, where you are plain,
- Beloved, where you are mountain
- Drava, Sava, flow on,
- Nor you Danube, lose your power,
- Deep blue sea, tell the world,
- That a Croat loves his people.
- Whilst the sun warms his fields,
- Whilst winds lash his oak trees,
- Whilst his lost ones are with grave covered,
- Whilst his living heart beats.
Naprej zastava Slave
Naprej zastava Slave,
na boj junaška kri
za blagor očetnjave
naj puška govori!
Z orožjem in desnico,
nesimo vragu grom,
zapisat v kri pravico,
ki terja jo naš dom.
Naprej zastava Slave,
na boj junaška kri,
za blagor očetnjave
naj puška govori!
Draga mati je prosila,
roke okol vrata vila,
je plakala moja mila,
tu ostani ljubi moj!
Zbogom mati, ljuba zdrava,
mati mi je očetnjava,
ljuba moja čast in slava,
hajdmo, hajdmo, zanjo v boj!
Naprej zastava Slave,
na boj junaška kri,
za blagor očetnjave
naj puška govori!
Naprej! Naprej!
English Translation:
Forward, Flag of Glory
Forward!, flag of glory,
To battle, heroic blood!
For the benefice of the fatherland
Let the rifle speak!
With weapon and right hand
Let's bring thunder to the devil
Let's write in blood the justice
Owed to our home.
Forward!, flag of glory,
To battle, heroic blood!
For the benefice of the fatherland
Let the rifle speak!
My dear mother begged,
hands clutched 'round my neck,
my dearest one she wept,
remain here, my beloved!
Farewell mother, hale and loved
the Fatherland is my Mother
honour and glory are my beloved,
Let's go! Let's go! to battle for her!
Forward!, flag of glory,
To battle, heroic blood!
For the benefice of the fatherland
Let the rifle speak!
Forward! Forward!
Edisi Bahasa Inggris: National Anthem of Former kingdom of Yugoslavia
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